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222 South Flores, San Antonio, TX 78204


San Antonio Theft Crimes Lawyer

Protecting Your Rights & Defending Your Future

Free & Confidential Consultation
San Antonio Criminal Defense Attorney

Were you or a loved one recently arrested for a theft offense in San Antonio, TX? Navigating through the legal challenges that come with theft charges requires experienced and strategic legal representation. Ernest Acevedo Law Group is here to provide that support. Reach out to us at 201-226-5656 to connect with a skilled San Antonio theft crimes lawyer who can work towards reducing or dismissing your charges.

Our legal team, with a background in prosecution, brings invaluable insight and years of experience in criminal law cases. We adopt an aggressive approach to each case, aiming to achieve the best possible outcome for our clients. Understanding the gravity of theft charges, which can lead to jail time, financial penalties, and significant damage to your reputation, we are dedicated to offering robust and comprehensive legal support.

If you are under investigation or have been charged with a theft crime in San Antonio, don’t delay in seeking legal assistance. Contact Ernest Acevedo Law Group today to schedule a free consultation. Our team is ready to help you navigate through this challenging time with the goal of protecting your rights and securing a favorable resolution.

How Ernest Acevedo Law Group Can Help if You Have Been Charged With Theft in San Antonio, TX

How Acevedo Law Group Can Help if You Have Been Charged With Theft in San Antonio, TX

Ernest Acevedo Law Group, led by Ernest Acevedo III, is dedicated to providing comprehensive legal representation for those facing theft charges in San Antonio, TX. Ensuring that your rights are protected and striving to achieve the best possible outcome for your case is at the core of our mission.

Navigating the potential penalties of a theft conviction can be overwhelming and may include incarceration, substantial financial penalties, and an indelible permanent criminal record. Having a knowledgeable and experienced criminal defense attorney ensures that your case is being handled professionally.

Ernest Acevedo Law Group works diligently investigate the circumstances surrounding your charges and develop a tailored defense strategy to challenge the prosecution’s evidence and secure the best possible outcome for your case. Our team will work closely with the law enforcement agency involved to ensure a thorough and fair investigation.

What is Theft Crime in Texas?

What is Theft Crime in Texas?

Theft crimes in Texas encompass a wide range of offenses, including:

  • Shoplifting
  • Theft by deception
  • Theft of lost property
  • Theft by extortion
  • Receiving/possession of stolen property
  • Identity theft

These crimes can have serious consequences if not properly addressed, with penalties ranging from a Class C misdemeanor to a first-degree felony, depending on the type and value of the property stolen.

In addition to the potential legal ramifications, a theft conviction can have a lasting impact on your personal and professional life. The representation of an experienced defense attorney, capable of navigating the complexities of the legal system, can significantly impact the outcome of your case.


Shoplifting, a common type of theft crime, involves the unlawful taking of merchandise from a retail establishment without paying for it. This crime can occur without the owner’s effective consent, making it a key element in proving a theft crime.

Theft cases for criminal charges involving shoplifting can be severe, impacting your future employment opportunities and personal reputation. Being accused of shoplifting calls for a consultation with an experienced criminal defense attorney, who can guide you towards the best course of action and defend your rights.


Theft by deception is another form of theft crime, occurring when someone intentionally deceives another person to obtain property or services. This can be perpetrated through the use of false promises, misrepresentation of facts, or withholding information.

The repercussions of theft by deception can vary from a monetary penalty to incarceration, depending on the gravity of the offense. Facing charges for theft by deception necessitates legal representation from an experienced law firm, who can protect your rights and explore potential defenses.


Theft of lost property is a crime that involves finding lost property and keeping it without making reasonable efforts to return it to the rightful owner. The components of this crime encompass discovering lost property, being aware that it is lost or misplaced, and retaining it without making reasonable attempts to return it to the rightful owner.

The consequences for theft of lost property can differ depending on the jurisdiction but may include fines, incarceration, and restitution. If you’re facing charges for theft of lost property, the guidance of a theft defense attorney can be instrumental in navigating the legal process and exploring potential defenses.


Theft by extortion is a more severe form of theft crime, involving the act of obtaining property or services through threats or intimidation. Examples of theft by extortion include blackmail, threats of physical harm, and threats of property damage. While grand theft auto is another type of theft crime, the penalties for theft by extortion are determined by the value of the property or services taken and can range from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class C felony, with varying levels of imprisonment and fines.

Facing charges for theft by extortion necessitates the assistance of a theft defense attorney, specifically an experienced criminal defense attorney who can explore potential defenses and safeguard your rights.


Receiving or possessing stolen property is a crime that involves knowingly possessing or receiving stolen goods. The potential repercussions of receiving or possessing stolen property may vary from a Class A misdemeanor up to a Class C felony, contingent upon the value of the stolen property.

Given that a conviction for this crime could lead to incarceration, fines, and restitution. Representation by an experienced team who can explore possible defenses is very crucial.


Identity theft is a growing concern in today’s digital age and involves the unauthorized use of another person’s personal information to commit fraud or other crimes. This crime can take place through various means, such as:

  • stolen wallets
  • mail theft
  • data breaches
  • phishing scams

The implications of identity theft can be dire, including financial losses, impaired credit, and even criminal charges. Consistent review of your credit report, utilization of robust passwords, and vigilance against phishing scams are important measures to safeguard against identity theft.

Penalties for a Theft Conviction in San Antonio

The penalties for theft convictions in San Antonio depend on the value of the property involved and can range from a Class A misdemeanor for property valued under $500 to a Class C felony for property valued at $10,000 or greater. These penalties can have a significant impact on your future, affecting your ability to secure employment, housing, and even educational opportunities.

Understanding the potential consequences of a theft conviction and seeking the guidance of an experienced criminal defense attorney to navigate the legal process is vital. By exploring possible defenses and challenging the prosecution’s evidence, an attorney can help you mitigate the penalties and protect your rights.

Class A Misdemeanor:

Class A Misdemeanor theft convictions involve property valued under $500 and can result in fines and jail time. In comparison, a class b misdemeanor may have different penalties and involve other types of offenses, such as a misdemeanor theft charge.

A conviction for a Class A Misdemeanor can have lasting consequences on your personal and professional life, making it crucial to have a skilled attorney representing your interests and helping you explore possible defenses to reduce or dismiss the charges.

Class D Felony:

Class D Felony theft convictions involve property valued between $500 and $10,000, leading to more severe penalties, including imprisonment. These penalties can have a lasting impact on your future, affecting your ability to secure employment, housing, and even educational opportunities.

Class C Felony:

Class C Felony theft convictions involve property valued at $10,000 or greater, resulting in the most severe penalties, including lengthy prison sentences. These penalties can have a lasting impact on your future, affecting your ability to secure employment, housing, and even educational opportunities. It is crucial to understand the consequences of a state jail felony and seek legal assistance to navigate the complex legal system.

Defenses in Theft Cases

Facing theft charges can be an overwhelming experience, but it’s important to remember that there are possible defenses that can help reduce or dismiss the charges against you. Some of these defenses include:

  • Assumption of ownership
  • Mental impairment
  • Mistaken identity
  • Accidental theft
  • Theft out of necessity

Working with a seasoned criminal defense attorney allows you to explore these defenses, devise a tailored strategy to challenge the prosecution’s evidence, and strive for the most favorable outcome for your case.

Comprehending the available defenses and their applicability to your situation is key to safeguarding your rights and ensuring a fair trial. An experienced criminal defense attorney will:

  • Carefully review the evidence and circumstances surrounding your case
  • Identify any potential weaknesses in the prosecution’s case
  • Work tirelessly to advocate on your behalf


The assumption of ownership defense argues that the defendant believed they had a legal right to the property in question, which can be supported by the owner’s effective consent. This defense requires the defendant to demonstrate that they had a reasonable belief that they had a legal right to the property. If successful, the defendant will be acquitted of the theft charge.

A seasoned criminal defense attorney can assess the applicability of this defense to your case and strive to gather the necessary evidence to support your claim.


The mental impairment defense claims that the defendant was not in a sound state of mind when committing the alleged theft. This defense requires the defendant to furnish evidence of a mental disorder or disability that influenced their aptitude to comprehend the repercussions of their actions.

The implications of utilizing mental impairment as a defense differ depending on the seriousness of the mental disorder or disability, and may lead to a not guilty verdict or a reduced sentence.

A seasoned criminal defense attorney can assess the applicability of this defense to your case and strive to gather the necessary evidence to support your claim, even when dealing with a law enforcement agent.


The mistaken identity defense asserts that the defendant was not the person who committed the theft. This defense requires the defendant to demonstrate that they were not the individual who committed the theft, which can be accomplished by furnishing proof that the defendant was not present in the vicinity at the time of the offense, or by providing an alibi.

If successful, the defendant will be adjudged not guilty. Conversely, should the defendant be unsuccessful in demonstrating their innocence, then they may be adjudged guilty and suffer the repercussions of the crime.


The accidental theft defense argues that the defendant did not intentionally take the property. This defense can be employed in situations such as mistakenly taking hold of an item that belongs to someone else or inadvertently exiting a store without settling for an item.

Though accidental theft may not be malicious in nature, it is still classified as a criminal offense and can be prosecuted accordingly. It’s important to remain cognizant of one’s behavior and take the necessary steps to rectify any unintentional thefts.


The out of necessity defense claims that the defendant committed the theft due to an urgent need or emergency. This defense can be employed when the defendant has undertaken the theft due to an immediate requirement or emergency.

The implications of utilizing out of necessity as a defense are contingent upon the specifics of the case and the decision of the judge. An attorney at Avecedo Law Group, can assess the applicability of this defense to your case and strive to gather the necessary evidence to support your claim.

Contact a San Antonio Theft Crimes Lawyer for a Free Consultation

Being charged with theft in San Antonio, TX, calls for seeking legal representation from a theft crimes lawyer. Contact Ernest Acevedo Law Group at (210) 226-5656 for a free consultation to discuss your theft crime case and explore your legal options.

At our law firm, our adept attorney can:

  • Demystify the complexities of the legal system
  • Formulate a tailored defense strategy
  • Strive incessantly to protect your rights
  • Attain the most favorable outcome for your case.

Accused of a Crime or Arrested?

the Right Defense Team MATTERS

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